Media marketing, including both digital and print marketing, has always been a cornerstone of any political party that has ever won any election. From direct mails to trade show displays, to using high quality printed materials, and so on – every industry, including the political arena, has always depended on such tools to improve their efforts with customer (or should we say, voter) acquisition. Whether it is through TV ads, public debates and other appearances, or a digital marketing strategy, to have a well formed strategy in the first place is very critical to the success of any political campaign.
But, it is not the tools and methods, rather how effectively you put them to use that gives relevance to the efforts put in, as well as the final outcome. Parthesh Patel, as one of the most sought after political consultants, is highly renowned for not just choosing the right media tactics, but also being highly tactical while putting these tools to good use.
Inviting people to see a brand that has a consistent message, which resonates with the image of the political party, forms a significant part of media marketing. With help of a consultant like Parthesh, one proceeds to convince the public beyond any confusion, of the brand’s identity. As far as a message to the people is concerned, it needs to one that goes well with both print as well as digital media platforms, without hurting its core value proposition.
The key is to understand well that effectiveness of one platform does not make the other irrelevant by any means. He ensures to build a very robust and consistent strategy, which he knows goes a long way in creating an ideal marketing infrastructure that optimizes the efforts put in, to the maximum. Knowing how crucial it is, Parthesh makes both print as well as digital media work in unison, coordinating them well in order to attract and finally convert the audience.